Sunday, 12 June 2011

Last week listening to B105 Mollie heard that we could win tickets to the Miley Cyrus and all dad had to do was wear stilletto's and run a 50m race in them, so that night she ask dad if he could do it for her and he was a bit reluctant but went on the B105 website that night and entered himself in! Thursday afternoon he received the call that he was excepted to race. Mollie was screaming the place down when she heard & daddy was a bit nervous about the hole thing! That night we had to go stilletto shopping which was hilarious and imbarrassing we received some very funny looks in Big W but the kids & I were just laughing our heads off. So Friday morning comes around Darren very nervous driving to Roma Street Parklands were the race was to be held, we had a great chat with some of the other dads and a lot of laughs seeing all these grown men that had been roped in by their daughters to try & win these tickets, first place won 4 tickets & get to meet Miley back stage & the next 8 that cross the line win 2 tickets. Mollie had the tickets won and the pressure is on for dad. Stav from the station was there to start the race and interview a couple of the dads before hand, so the race is under way we have dads falling over, some lost shoes, Mollie, Tyler & I are screaming at Darren with excitement and he did us all proud by getting third place out of 20 dad's & winning his beautiful girl 2 Miley Cyrus tickets. I get to go with her to the concert & the kids got their photo with Stav whom they think is very funny. i'm sure Mollie will have him roped into something else now that he's done this one!! We love you Daddy! xx